o   Please sign in for EVERY visit, our insurance policy requires we have a full roll call at all times. 

o  Do NOT touch the glass windows at anytime. Ask a staff member if you think a window needs opening. 

o   There is to be no chewing gum while training and no eating past reception.

o   NO bare feet in bathrooms to avoid spreading of germs.  It's not only YOUR health at risk but also your training partners so if you see bare feet in the bathrooms please remind their owners.

o  Keep finger and toenails short to avoid scraping or scratching during grappling.  

o  Regularly wash your training gear and keep it smelling clean and fresh.

o   Listen to your coach at all times and be on time for your class. If you have any queries regarding your membership or if we can help you in any way please do not hesitate to contact us.  Happy training!